Easy passive earning on Decentralized finance – Easy for ALL

Today we have a very strong global community in crypto and ‘ok’ most of us are skeptical because there is a tendency to think its easy as skidding soap to lose money. Actually NOT, because the evolving of experience of people involved and protocols, aka math algorithms that decide to reward each users a certain amount of crypto, have become rock solid.
So today its not impressive to earn like a 1-2-4% PER DAY. Yes it is that and no recurring mistake. Basically all that a person has to do is swap an amount of blockchain coins like Bnb or Avax (the most known blockchains and especially reliable) for a token which implements a protocol:

USD(Eur) -> Bnb (Avax) -> (TokenProtocol) Earning

The best example to do this is reach a website like Minswap, the most used exchange for ADA coin, and just check and choose the corresponding pool which gives the best APR rewards. So if you chose a generic Pool be sure to invest an amount of money for a very high APR.
