PowerVR mobile raytracing analyzed

Its almost time for mobile to enter a new world, the universe of raytracing in real time with dedicated gpus ip. Amd has recently entered the mobile phone market with a special version of rdna2 gpu for the new samsung S22 while PowerVr with its Img Cxt architecture is basically everywhere, considering all the oldest img IP on the oldest phones.

IMG CXT GPU - Imagination Technologies

Img CXT is a licensable type of IP which can spread on every chipset of whatever brand of mobile phone.

And now lets go back to raytracing and examine the feature offered on mobile by CXT:

Ray Tracing Levels System

Cxt with its raytracing engine ‘Photon’ sits at level 4 in the raytracing pyramid.

ray acceleration cluster

RAC, which stands for Ray Acceleration Cluster, is the dedicated hw responsible for the traversal of Bounding Box Hierarchy, a necessarily operation to render the 3D scene via rays.

Vulkan is also fully available and its propelling all the new software which requires it, especially games and vr apps.

